Friday, October 25, 2013

Mousetrap (Act 3 Scene 2)

The Mousetrap. Marry, how? Tropically. This play is the image of a murder done in Vienna. Gonzago is the duke’s name, his wife Baptista. You shall see anon. 'Tis a knavish piece of work, but what o' that? Your majesty and we that have free souls, it touches us not. Let the galled jade wince, our withers are unwrung.

Questions I have: ???
Why is there a play within a play?
And why this play?
How does the mouse fall in the trap?
Too obvious of a trap??

--- Explanation of the Diagram---
Music sheet.. why?
inspiration from the last line of the scene.. 

Ah ha! Come, some music! Come, the recorders!
  For if the king like not the comedy,
  Why then, belike, he likes it not, perdy.
Come, some music!

I feel that this scene is like music to Hamlet's ears.. his intentions were to make Claudius feel uneasy and well that was done very well. He get up as soon as Lucianus begins to talk ("Evil thoughts, ready hands, the right poison, and the time is right too..")

We divided it into two staffs because we wanted to see and compare the shifts and beats in a)"The Murder of Gonzago" (play within play) and b)within the characters in the actual play. 
a) has four sections
the "dumb show"-> prologue ->player queen <3 player king *the two eighth notes together making a quarter note* -> enter lucianus (which is the climax that leads to the big boom) *that is why there is a breath mark right after the lucianus not, its very dramatic and we need a small and quick breath to get it all in*
b) has six sections
Ophelia and hams sexual scene (that is why it is an f # on the staff) -> intention to break of Gertrude (response: "the lady protests too much, me thinks")->intention to break of Claudius (the actual mouse trap)-> chorus Hamlet (quick questions: Does Claudius hear what Hamlet says right after Lucianus lines? right before Claudius gets up?)-> Music Plays/The End (Ah ha! Come, some music! Come, the recorders! For if the king like not the comedyWhy then, belike, he likes it not, perdy.
Come, some music!)

Mousetrap Music


  1. I thought this was so creative! Nathalye you MUST bring this to the show or something---it made me think of how we were debating whether or not Ophelia is saying "out of tune" OR "out of time". You really captured how the Mousetrap scene is TOTALLY two different tunes playing at the same time. (Barrios)

    1. I used the idea of music because you have to be in time as well as in tune. During this scene there is both the timing of the play (murder of gonzago) and then the tune (reactions) of the people who are watching it.. And I will bring it if you want :)
